Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just a reminder

In case anyone has forgotten.  I am a clutzy dork!  Went to a bonfire for Lori's daughter Ashleys 16th birthday.  And what do I do?  What only I can, I fall into the lake with not one but 2 cell phones in my pocket.  I really deserve and award people!! Luckly the cell phones still work.  And I only have a few bumps and bruises. 

So quick update.  The 28th I am going to Missoula for the first shot in my butt.....I will bring the second shot back with me to be adminstered on the 29th.  On the 30th I do my lab work and then they give me the Radioactive Iodine.  Oct 2nd I will get to finally do the scan.  Sadly until the scan I once again am stuck on the low iodine diet!! YUCK!!!! For any of you who might want to know more about why here is a good website to check out.  http://www.thyca.org/rai.htm#diet 
I swear if I could I would mainline Ranch into my veins right now......Yummy dairy.  LOL

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