Yesterday I found my first gray hair. Now I must say that if anyone has earned gray hair it is me. So I will keep it and not pluck it away. My husband has already had a few we are only 30 yrs old but well life keeps us on our toes.
Speaking about on our cancer has returned yet again. After a long drawn out process trying to get a local dr to see the light, I did the right thing and had to call my specielist office crying...they were so wonderful and got me in the same day. When she looked at what the dr in town had been doing she got right on it and ran the correct blood test. From the results of that she decieded to do a full neck ultrasound. The results show I have at least 3 lymph nodes in my neck that are affected. So I will go in for a full bodyscan in about a week to make sure it has not spread any farther. After that we will deciede a treatment it might be surgery or RAI again, but none of us know yet.
As my friend put it we had the blessing of my husband being laid off his job right before this. So he will be my caretaker and support in the mean time. I hope he finds something soon but it might be a blessing in disguise that he will be around to go to dr's with me and help out with everything. He will be getting unemployement. Also we are very blessed in my job, I will be working my same schedule and shift but they are willing to work with anytime I need off for appt's for treatments. Not only do I have alot of wonderful supportive friends there. But everyone there in managment are being very understanding and helpful. I love all of the family and friends I have been blessed with.
My brother Bram and his girlfriend Tessa came to visit us for a long weekend. It was so great seeing them! We drove around and explored a few place's and then on Labor day we took them to Glacer National Park. It was so beautiful....We took a "trail" down to one of the waterfall area's. I managed to lose my footing on the way down and almost took out poor Tessa.... I knew it hurt at the time but after I got home and checked out the damage the next morning I found a bit of a suprise. I had a stick stuck in my butt..yes you are reading right a small stick has stuck about an inch into my left butt check. Surprisingly my husband did not want to remove it. So I waited about 2 days before I got up the courage to take a really hot bath and then remove it my self.........OWWWWWWWEEEEYYYY! Also we took Bram&Tessa to the Going to the sun road to Logans pass. When we got there it was snowing....a mini blizzard and oh so cold. But still beautiful. Loved having the two of them here. Miss all of my family alot hopefully we will see them soon.
I have decieded to use this blog more, not only to update on health, family and life. But also just as a journal of sorts, someday's I might only post a sentence or a pic. But I am aiming to do at least 2 postings a week, just to share a little bit of me with anyone who is crazy enough to want to see it.
Please keep us in your hearts and prayers and remember we will always keep you in ours.
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3 years ago
Oh Hollie, I am so sorry to hear that the cancer is back. We will definitely keep you and your family in our prayers and thoughts. Loves and hugs your way. -Jenny
Love ya Hollie <3
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