To remove any doubt what so ever about my dorkiness. So last night it is getting close to midnight and I can’t sleep. I decide to try to fix something I have thought about many times just always had something else more come up. My computer desk, you see my husband has found that the lower level of the desk is the perfect place to itch his feet. And over time that has pulled the edging away from the desk. Why did I decide that late at night was the perfect time to fix it?? Um well I have no clue. So as I am putting the superglue on the edging I am using my thumb to try to press it back in place. Well almost a tube of superglue later I notice my fingers are starting to stick together. Well at that point it becomes clear that most of my left hand is covered including my wedding ring. I was smart enough to take of my ring and keep my fingers separated. Super glue is easy enough to pull off of skin(kinda) But my ring after soaking over night was still covered. I started to worry that I had ruined it. The next morning after trying to clean it with several different things I went it to work with my superglue covered ring ready to cry. At that point my friend Sherry let me know that nail polish remover should get rid of it. Ahh what a fun morning at work, asking everyone that walked by if they had nail polish remover. Before lunch I finally called my hubby and confessed my sin. He got me the remover and when I came home for lunch I was able to get it all off. He was very kind about it and didn’t even laugh at me(I am sure he did plenty before I got home) I would like to tell you all I have learned my lesson and that nothing like this will ever happen again……….but well who am I kidding.
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3 years ago
hollie i loved this post! i do stuff all the time like this. i have yet to glue my fingers or rings together with super glue but that is mostly because i am too afraid to use it. i blame it on being blonde so i am therefore entitled to my moments every once and a while haha
Dude, I still have super glue on my fingers from earlier today and I tried the nail polish remover trick. I have now lathered it up with vaseline and lotion cause it feels yucka.
OH Hollie that is so funny!! Sounds like what happens when I try and fix something myself!! I wanted to let you know that I am making my blog private but if you would like me to send you an invite so you can still view it e-mail me at
Hope all is well for you!!
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