Yesterday I got the phone call from the drs office...and I was surprised and estatic to get the news that the body scan showed no cancer. Why am I surprised you ask...because about one month ago we did an ultrasound on my neck that showed cancer in my lymph nodes. Where did the cancer go??? Well I know there are those in the world that do not believe but I had people praying for me. The first time I had someone pray and say that they knew the body scan would show clean and that God would take the cancer I just smiled. I thought that was to big of a thing to ask for me, I know God can do anything....but I just well felt that if he gave me this it was for a reason. I myself was only praying for peace and to be strong for me and my family. But I know that he healed me!!!! How wonderful it was to tell my son, husband, family & friends of the power of prayer. Thank you for all of them.....I love you all!