So for a little while now I have been playing with the idea of getting a tattoo. Ok I can see some of you giving me the thumbs up. While some of you are screaming at me that I better not. Give me a minute to explain!!!! One year ago I found out I had Thyroid Cancer. I have this beautiful scar on my neck as a reminder of it everyday. Somedays I forget that I got thru everything, and we are pretty sure that they got everything. On these days I get into a funk and start to let my mind work overtime. I need something to remind me that I am strong and that I had some pretty awsome help to get me thru. So I was thinking about getting a tattoo that had a cancer ribbion and a cross combined. Just a reminder that with God I will always be ok no matter what his plan is. So what do you think, should I do it? And if so where? And if any of you can draw I would love to have to sketch out ideas of what it should look like, because I havent found anything that quite fits.
Lets see other news.
I tried yet another church today. I just keep waiting for the feeling like I am home. And I dont quite get that at any of the churchs I have tried yet. But I found out about another one that is really close to my home that I might try next week.
We are struggling alot with Cam now adays. He is starting to back talk. Have a bad attitude about most everything. He seems to be having some real self esteem issues which I think are the root of everything. He frequently seems to put him self down. We try to tell him how smart he is and bring up his positives but he starts to argue back. In school he has stopped even trying he just whines about how everyone else is smarter or faster. I have told him that it is not a race and that EVERYONE is different. But it just seems to be getting worse and worse. He isnt stupid by any measure. He always tests super high. And there is not a thing in the world he can't figure out how it works. I want so much to get him in some extra activities such as karate or boyscouts. But I work till 6 everynight and most of them start right around 4. I am at my ropes end here. I want so much to find a place for him or even some friends. But it seems like something is always in the way. Please please please does anyone have any suggestions????? I love my son so much, and it hurts and worries me to see the road it seems like he is going down. Steve is trying just as hard to do everything he can. But with his work hrs all they have together are the weekends. And this weekend it became one big mess with Steve trying to find a sled for Cam and Cam started his negative talking in the store. How ever Steve being a stupid boy thinks that no one or nothing can help. That we just need to send Cam to his room everytime he acts like that. All I can think is that is not working!!! Ok I am so tired and sad again so I am going to finish up.
We love you all!!! Thank you all so much for being part of our life, no matter how big or small.
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